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Week 3

 Main Reading of the Week! 

Homework For the Week!



1. Write words 7 – 15 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese and definition.

3. Write a sentence with each word.

    4. Sign your Unit Test!

    5. Sensay homework and writing worksheet


   1. Write words 16 - 25 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

    5. Sensay Homework and Worksheet.


   1. Study for the Unit test.       


   1. Week 3Write words 1 – 6 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese.

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with each word.

5. Writing Worksheet


1. Read Lewis and Clark

Week 3 Vocab Definitions  Lewis and Clark and Me


dock (n.): area of water where ships are loaded and unloaded


migrate (v.): to move to a different country or place


scan (v.): to look at something carefully


scent (n.): the smell of something


wharf (n.): platforms built so that ships can load or unload cargo or passengers


yearn (v.): longed for


sigh (v.): to breathe in and let out air


height (n.): a measurement of how high or tall a thing or person is


slight (adj.): a very small amount; thin and not muscular


highway (n.): a major road


right (adv.): directly or straight into


spray (n.): liquid in very small drops


thigh (n.): the top part of your legs


frighten (v.): to cause someone to be afraid


weigh (v.): to measure how heavy something is


sleigh (n.) : a type of transportation that goes downhill in the snow


vacation (n.) : a time for relaxing, traveling, and playing


always (adv.) : something that happens 100 % of the time


might (v.) : it will possibly happen


pioneer (n.) : a person who does something that nobody or only a few others have tried to do before.


travel (v.) : having gone to and explored a place because of interest


settler (n.) : a person who settles a new land for himself or herself and makes it their home


territory (n.) : lands that belong to a country, a tribe, or an empire


seek (v.) : to look for something that is valuable or hard to find


fortune (n.) : something worth a lot of money like gold or silver


experience (n.) : things that have happened to a person or people


prepare (v.) : to have gotten ready for something


foreign (adj.) : something or someone from another country


improve (v.) : to get better at something


historical (adj.) something that is from history and is written down

   *Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 3***

*** Sensay Link ***



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