M ain Reading of the Week! Homework For the Week! Monday 1. Write words 7 – 15 three times. 2. Write the word in Chinese and definition. 3. Write a sentence with each word. 4 . Sign your Unit Test! 5. Sensay homework and writing worksheet Tuesday 1. Write words 16 - 25 three times. 2. Write the word in Chinese. 3. Write the definition. 4. Write a sentence with each word. 5 . Sensay Homework and Worksheet. Wednesd ay 1. Study for the Unit test. Thursday 1. Week 3 : Write words 1 – 6 three times. 2. Write the word in Chinese. 3. Write the definition. 4. Write a sentence with each word. 5. Writing Worksheet Friday 1. Read Lewis and Clark Week 3 Vocab Definitions – Le...