Main Reading of the Week!
1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.
2. Write the word in Chinese
3. Write the definition.
4. Write a sentence with the word.
5. Sign your Quiz!
1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.
2. Write the word in Chinese
3. Write the definition.
4. Write a sentence with the word.
5. Sensay
1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.
2. Write the word in Chinese
3. Write the definition.
4. Write a sentence with the word.
5. Sensay
1. Study for the Unit Test!
1. Week 15:Write words 1 – 5 three times.
2. Write the word in Chinese
3. Write the definition.
4. Write a sentence with the word.
5. Sensay
Week 14 Vocab Definitions – Jalapeño Bagels
1. connect (v.): to join together
2. tray (n.): a flat object, usually with raised edges, used for carrying food and drinks
3. Jewish (adj.): having to do with Jews, their culture, traditions, or religion
4. counter (n.): a long, high table
5. slotted spoon (n.): a spoon that has narrow holes in it so that liquid can pass through
6. poppy (n.): the seed of the poppy plant, used to decorate or flavor food
7. sesame (n.): a plant grown for its small oval seed and its oil
8. smoked (adj.): to give a flavor by using the smoke of burning wood
9. pumpernickel (n.): a type of dark brown bread
10. smear (v.): spreading something over a surface
11. crinkle (v.): to make many wrinkles
12. chop (v.): to cut something into small pieces
13. except (prep.): not including
14. suddenly (adv.): quickly and not expected
15. lukewarm (adj.): only a little warm
16. yeast (n.): something used to make bread rise and to make beer and wine
17. stiff (adj.): hard and difficult to bend
18. necessary (adj.): needed or required
19. joint (n.): a place where two parts are connected
20. apart (adv.): separated or away from each other
21. rolling boil (n.): a boil in which the bubbles rise quickly to the top of the liquid
22. greased (v.): to put oil on something
23. malt (n.): a type of grain
24. gluten (n.): a protein found in wheat
25. parlor (n.): a business that sells a product
*Important Reminders:
- Enjoy the week!
- Remember to speak English in class!
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