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Week 12

  Main Reading of the Week!



1. Write words 6 – 10 three times.   

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.                    

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sign your Quiz



1. Write words 11 – 15 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay


1. Write words 16 – 20 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay


     1. Study for the Unit Test!


1. Week 13:Write words 1 – 5 three times.

2. Write the word in Chinese

3. Write the definition.

4. Write a sentence with the word.

5. Sensay

Week 12 Vocab Definitions 

  Goodbye, 382 Shin Dang Dong


1.      instruct (v.): to teach someone a subject, skill, etc. ; to give someone a command.

2.      pull away (phr.v.): when a vehicle starts moving.

3.      streak (v.): to make long lines of a different color on or in something.

4.      shrug (v.): to raise and lower your shoulders usually to show that you do not know or care about something.

5.      attach (v.): to fasten or join one thing to another.

6.      ondal (n.): korean heating system hidden beneath the floor.

7.      radiator (n.): a device that uses steam passing through pipes in order to heat a room.

8.      enthusiastic (adj.): feeling strong excitement about something..

9.      fireplace (n.): a brick or stone space in a room for making fires.

10.   cellar (n.): a room or rooms built underground, usually beneath a building.

11.   peculiar (adj.): odd, strange, unusual.

12.   separate (v.): to keep apart; to cause something to stop being together.

13.   disappointment (n.): the state or feeling of being disappointed.

14.   homesick (adj.): sad because you are away from your family and home.

15.   insist (v.): to be firm about something; refuse to give up.

16.   shingle (n.): a small, thin piece of building material that is used to cover the roof or sides of a building.

17.   describe (v.): to tell or write about something.

18.   maple (n.): a tree with notched leaves and hard wood, grown for its beauty, wood, or sweet sap.

19.   parade (n.): a public celebration of a special day usually includes many people and groups moving down a street by marching or riding in cars or on special vehicles.

20.   waltz (v.): to dance a round dance for two people.

21.   curious (adj.): eager to learn or know.

22.   casserole (n.): a dish, often deep and covered, in which food can be baked and served.

23.   cantaloupe (n.): a round melon with a hard, rough skin and orange flesh.

24.   delicious (adj.): having a pleasing taste or smell.

25.   giggle (v.): to laugh in a childlike or nervous way.

    *Important Reminders:

  • Enjoy the week!
  • Remember to speak English in class!

***Vocabulary Practice Week 3***

*** Sensay Link ***



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