M ain Reading of the Week! Homework For the Week! Monday 1. Write words 1 – 10 three times. 2. Write the word in Chinese. 3. Write the definition. 4 . Sign your exams! Tuesday 1. Write words 11 - 20 three times. 2. Write the word in Chinese. 3. Write the definition. 4 . Sign your exams! Wednesd ay 1. Study for the quiz. Thursday 1. Class Party on Friday. Friday 1. Winter Homework! Week 21 Vocab Definitions – Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City 1. sacred (adj.): having to do with religion; very holy 2. guidance (n.): help or advice that tells you what to ...
M ain Reading of the Week! (For after the exams!) Homework for the week! Monday : 1. Study for the exams. Tuesday : 1. Study for the exams. Wednesday : 1. Study for exams! Thursday : 1. Read "Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City" Friday : 1. Read "Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City" Review for exam: